With the warmth of summer, comes the inevitable vacation, pool party or beach day! This time of year, we kick ourselves into high gear with our workouts to lean out for events like these. Also during this time of year, I stop eating pizza at every meal (kidding.. sort of) 😉 Sometimes it helps to […]
Weight-Loss: 7 Ways to Stay Motivated
Sometimes it can be tough to stay on track with your weight-loss goals. Obstacles and temptation get in the way and sometimes that can derail your progress. The good news is, there are a wide variety of ways to keep from giving up! Here are my top 7! 1. Track your progress. And […]
I Choose Happy, Healthy and Fit
Have you ever made a series of decisions that made you question who you were anymore? This past Summer and Fall, I made choices that made me question who I was and what I was doing with my life. Don’t worry, I didn’t murder anyone and I wasn’t running from the law! But I was […]
MTL Winter Challenge!
During the holidays, it’s easy to let our health and fitness fall by the wayside. Get-togethers with friends and family often include abundant holiday fare and drink. All too often, we take the opportunity to gorge ourselves after being so “good” during the summer months to look cute in our bikinis and LBDs. But honestly, […]
7 Things That Can Wreck Fat Loss
“I’ve tried eating right and working out, but I’m not losing weight! What am I doing wrong? Please help!” I get this question almost every day from girls who are frustrated with their slow or complete lack of progress. Unfortunately, it’s basically impossible for me to determine what is off in regard to your diet […]
Lose Weight with Whey
A lot of women believe the myth that protein powder will make them “bulky” or gain weight. This could not be further from the truth. First of all, protein helps support and build lean muscle which is what creates “tone” in the first place (not bulk!). Lean muscle determines your metabolism, so the more you […]
How to Deal with Cravings
CRAVINGS….. We all have them, and sometimes they can be pretty overwhelming. While some studies suggest cravings may come from deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals.. others point to lack of variety or a very restricted diet. No matter what the reason may be, here are a few ways to beat the craving! =) Have […]
Beginner’s Guide to Fitness
Beginner-Fitness I often get asked by girls who have never eaten healthy or worked out before.. where to start! I totally get how overwhelming it can be! Here are some basic tips I have for those JUST starting out on a health and fitness journey! =) Get rid of the junk food! This includes (but not limited […]
5 Diet Rules You SHOULD Break
5 Diet Rules You SHOULD Break Rule: Weigh yourself to track your progress. Break it: Muscle is denser than fat… in other words, it weighs more but is much smaller in size. The scale takes into account not just your fat and muscle, but your organs, bones, and other tissues, as well as water. Water […]
Dorm Room Cardio Workout
Sometimes as students (or even just busy-bees) we find ourselves with little to no time left-over to get to the gym! Don’t let that be an excuse not to fit in a little exercise! You can complete an intense, effective workout in a short amount of time… you don’t always need tons of time or […]