Muscle vs Fat I get a lot of questions from girls asking me why their measurements and their appearance changes when they start eating clean and lifting weights, but that the weight on the scale doesn’t change. This is a good sign ladies! It means you’re making progress! When you build muscle, it takes up […]
3 Weight Lifting Myths… Debunked!
3 Weight Lifting Myths… Debunked! Myth: “Weight lifting will make me manly and bulky! I don’t want to look like a bodybuilder!” Fact: This could not be further from the truth. Women do not have the levels of testosterone necessary to bulk up the way men do. Female bodybuilders have been consistently eating and training […]
Dorm Room Cardio Workout
Sometimes as students (or even just busy-bees) we find ourselves with little to no time left-over to get to the gym! Don’t let that be an excuse not to fit in a little exercise! You can complete an intense, effective workout in a short amount of time… you don’t always need tons of time or […]