While I realize everyone’s goals are different. I think it’s safe to say most people who follow my blog want to look and more importantly, FEEL their best. If that’s not what you want, then this particular article probably isn’t for you… But I doubt that’s the case! =) I read a status on my […]
7 Step Meal Prep to Save Time!
I’ve been asked SO MUCH over the past several weeks to shed light on the food prep pictures I’m always posting. You ask.. I deliver… eventually. =) OK so… I post pictures of my food all the time. So frequently that.. anyone who doesn’t know me would think I am a total weirdo. The truth […]
Spicy Grilled Tilapia
Although I’m a total dessert fanatic, I suppose REAL food is important too [sigh] It’s important to consume enough protein to maintain and build lean, strong muscle. Remember, the more lean muscle you have on your frame, the faster your metabolism will be. With a faster metabolism, you burn more calories throughout the day (hello… […]
7 Things That Can Wreck Fat Loss
“I’ve tried eating right and working out, but I’m not losing weight! What am I doing wrong? Please help!” I get this question almost every day from girls who are frustrated with their slow or complete lack of progress. Unfortunately, it’s basically impossible for me to determine what is off in regard to your diet […]
How to Eat Well at College
How to Eat Well at College So you find yourself surrounded by booze, dorm food and lack of kitchen… what to do? Not to fear… plenty of others have been in your shoes and achieved their goal physiques. It’s all about planning ahead and getting creative. =) Remember, “abs are made in the kitchen”. It is […]
Healthy Eating Grocery List
Ever heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen”? Well nothing could be closer to the truth. In order to shed the stubborn belly fat that hides all the hard work we put in at the gym, a clean diet is a MUST. Besides that, the obviously more important aspect of eating well is maintaining a […]
Clean Eating 101
What is “Clean Eating”? Clean eating is simply eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. Foods that are highly processed or contain highly processed ingredients are not considered “clean” foods. There are certain aspects of “clean eating” that vary from person to person, however that is the basic explanation of it! The […]
Protein for Vegetarians
Protein for Vegetarians! I was a vegetarian for 21 years, so I know what it’s like! It’s important to consume enough protein each day to maintain and/or build lean muscle. Remember, the more lean muscle you have on your frame, the faster your metabolism will be. Try to get between 1-1.5 grams of protein per […]
How to Eat Clean on a Budget
How to Eat Clean on a Budget Believe me when I say, there are plenty of broke college students, and struggling fitness models and competitors who are still able to eat well despite the odds! It just takes a little extra planning and perhaps some saving.. but making it a priority in your budget will help. If […]
Clean-Eats for Busy-Bees
I have yet to hear a single good excuse why healthy food cannot be eaten in a busy day. There are plenty of quick, easy, non-perishable things you can carry with you at all times to ensure you won’t turn to the “Golden Arches” or a vending machine! I knew I was going to be […]