Have you ever struggled with finding balance? I don’t know about you… but I’ve always been an “all or nothing” kind of person. If I set my sights on a goal, I become obsessed. A lot of people do this when it comes to getting in shape. They completely turn their life upside down in […]
How to Stick to Your Health & Fitness New Year’s Resolutions!
I’m sure if you are reading this, one of your New Year’s Resolutions is to get fit and healthy. CONGRATULATIONS. That first step is huge!!! But the REAL hard work lies ahead… In the past, have you ever made a “get healthy & fit” resolution, only to burn out a month or two in? Have […]
Weight-Loss: 7 Ways to Stay Motivated
Sometimes it can be tough to stay on track with your weight-loss goals. Obstacles and temptation get in the way and sometimes that can derail your progress. The good news is, there are a wide variety of ways to keep from giving up! Here are my top 7! 1. Track your progress. And […]
How to Deal With Negative People
All too often I receive messages from followers about people in their life who are unsupportive and negative about their newfound, healthy habits. It may be anyone from their boyfriend/girlfriend to their parents to their friends, or even their co-workers. The good news is, there are ways to help these people see how positive your […]
By: Brandan Fokken It is amazing what we see when we are children. We see all the great things life has to offer. Our minds are open and limitless to any possibility, and rather than say I can’t or I won’t – those limits haven’t been set yet so they don’t exist. The imagination is […]
5 Steps to Eliminating Self-Doubt
5 steps to eliminating self-doubt and fear on your fitness journey By: Brandan Fokken 1. Surround yourself with positive people They say that the 5 people you surround yourself with most will ultimately decide where you go with your life. I am sure you have noticed that when you are in a gym you see […]
3 Weight Lifting Myths… Debunked!
3 Weight Lifting Myths… Debunked! Myth: “Weight lifting will make me manly and bulky! I don’t want to look like a bodybuilder!” Fact: This could not be further from the truth. Women do not have the levels of testosterone necessary to bulk up the way men do. Female bodybuilders have been consistently eating and training […]
Beginner’s Guide to Fitness
Beginner-Fitness I often get asked by girls who have never eaten healthy or worked out before.. where to start! I totally get how overwhelming it can be! Here are some basic tips I have for those JUST starting out on a health and fitness journey! =) Get rid of the junk food! This includes (but not limited […]
How to Fit Exercise Into a Busy Day
My Tips on Fitting Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule Schedule it – Mark it on your calendar or planner and treat it as an important meeting, not to be missed! Wake up earlier – For a lot of people, waking up earlier than normal is a horrible inconvenience.. but it’s also a great way to get a […]
Dorm Room Cardio Workout
Sometimes as students (or even just busy-bees) we find ourselves with little to no time left-over to get to the gym! Don’t let that be an excuse not to fit in a little exercise! You can complete an intense, effective workout in a short amount of time… you don’t always need tons of time or […]